Broken Vows

I had a vow that I would be celibate for six months. I would use the time to learn more impact techniques, focus on what I wanted out of bdsm, and get a fresh start.

Until last night. My very first ex, my first dom, crashed at my place last night. It was all innocent talking / catching up  until I bid him goodnight. He very quietly took me by my throat and shoved me against a wall. Then he proceeded to tell me all the ways I would be taken over the night.

Needless to say, I was a mass of nerves and need. It never fails to amaze me how easy he can get a rise out of me. I wonder if it’s because he did the original wiring?  Am I to be forever coded to him?  Or is it just because he’s known me that intimately for over a decade?

So, now I have a broken vow and sore body. It’s only been 4 1/2 months. I’m thinking I should just continue as if this never happened. Just continue the next month and a half with the plan and chalk it up as a moment of weakness.

3 thoughts on “Broken Vows

  1. Cinnamon says:

    Is there something to pursue there, or is it better this be a one time deal? If the latter, stay the course…

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